A tanker truck carrying gasoline over-turned and spilled 8,500 gallons of unleaded gasoline onto a state highway. The gasoline traveled along the road way and into an adjacent wetlands area. Due to the large volume of product that spilled, crews were required to work around the clock collecting product via vacuum trucks. It was discovered that within the swamp area four (4) large high pressure subsurface natural gas mains were present and thus mechanical excavation was not possible. Crews used large high vacuum trucks to remove impacted soils and impacted water. Post excavation soil samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with NJDEP guidelines. All areas impacted by the release and remediation efforts were restored to pre-spill conditions. Due to impact to the groundwater underlying the site, monitoring well installation was required. Monitoring wells were sampled quarterly for two (2) years pursuant to NJDEP guidelines. The necessary reporting was completed and submitted to the NJDEP and site closure was granted. All work was completed under the NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Program.