REI was notified of a release of fuel oil that occurred in a basement as the result of an overfill during a routine delivery.  The release resulted in less than 5-gallons of oil spilling to the interior and on exterior of the property. Personnel investigated and noticed oil weeping from a pipe fitting located on the top of the tank. The union was loose and subsequently tightened to stop the weeping. A small puddle of fuel oil formed below the tank and migrated below a partition wall adjacent to the tank.  In addition, responding personnel noted a small surface stain located near the fill pipe outside.  Surface cleaning was performed and a small excavation was completed outside near the fill pipe. The excavated soils were field-screened using a PID meter. In the utility room adjacent to the heating oil AST was a large fire suppression storage tank for the building’s sprinkler system. The fuel oil migrated under the partition wall and it pooled under and around the fire suppression storage tank. Approvals were granted by the local fire department to allow for the temporary removal and reinstallation of the storage tank in order to remove the oil and reduce odors in the building.  Fire authorities required that the system be back online the same day. It was also discovered that asbestos containing floor tiles and mastic were present on the floor within the area of impact.  As part of the remediation efforts to remove oil present, abatement of the asbestos floor tiles and mastic was completed.  Once remediation was completed the necessary reporting was submitted to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and site closure was achieved.