David M. Socks has been employed with REI for 11 years and currently serves as President. David oversees the day to day operations of REI. David holds Bachelor of Science degrees in both Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering. David has been involved with remediation projects including soil and groundwater contamination since 1991. David’s experience includes a wide variety of investigations and cleanups from routine small releases to complex soil excavations and groundwater pump and treat systems. Since 2011 David has held a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Sub Surface Evaluators License and has closed numerous sites under the Unregulated Heating Oil Tank Program. David is directly involved with all projects in NJ and PA and oversees other REI Project Managers with projects in various other states. Additionally, David has been called upon by clients to provide expert witness and testimony regarding leaking tanks, spill cleanups and remediation work performed by other consultants and contractors. David maintains the required OSHA 40 Hour Training with yearly updates as well as CPR and First Aid Training.